Grade and condition 6063 T5
Standard No. GB5237.4-2008
The quality of the base material should be in accordance with GB5237.1-2008 dimensional tolerance should be in accordance with GB5237.1-2008
Mechanical properties ﹑ after removing the coating should be consistent with the provisions of GB5237.1-2008 chemical composition after removing the coating should be consistent with the provisions of GB5237.1-2008.
Colour and colour difference
The colour of the coating shall be the same as the sample agreed between the supplier and the customer. When using the colour difference meter, the colour difference between the monochrome coating and the sample shall be △Eab`≤1.5, and the colour difference between the profiles of the same batch (referring to the delivery batch) shall be △Eab`≤1.5.
Coating thickness
Minimum local thickness on the decorative surface ≥ 40u m indentation hardness
Indentation resistance of the coating ≥ 80 adhesion
The dry adhesion, wet adhesion and boiling water adhesion of the coating should reach the OO level of impact resistance
No cracking or peeling of the coating after impact testing.
If the supplier and the customer agree to use a coating with certain special properties but with a slightly lower impact resistance, a slight cracking of the coating after the impact test is allowed, but when using adhesive tape for further inspection, the surface of the coating shall be free of sticky fall. Resistance to cupping
No cracking or peeling of the coating after the cupping test.
When the supply and demand sides agree to use a coating with some special properties but slightly less resistance to cupping, the coating is allowed to crack slightly after the cupping test, but the surface of the coating should not be sticky when it is further tested with adhesive tape. Bending resistance
In the bending resistance test, the surface of the coating shall be free from cracks or peeling.
When the supply and demand sides agree to use some special properties and bending resistance of the coating is slightly less, the bending resistance test allows the coating to have a slight cracking phenomenon, but when using adhesive tape for further inspection, the coating surface should not be sticky. Appearance quality
The coating on the decorative surface of the powder-coated profile shall be smooth and even, and no wrinkles, flow marks, bulging, cracks, stickiness and other defects affecting the use are allowed. A slight orange peel is allowed, the permissible degree of which shall be indicated by the physical specimen agreed between the supplier and the demander.