Industry-leading, first-class quality, China's Guang Yun brand

Australia City, Sanya, Hainan

Location :Hainan

Application products :Sliding doors, sliding windows, casement doors

Case details

The project covers 10,000 square meters of commercial facilities, 2,000 square meters of health experience hall and supporting facilities, community interior planning with direct drinking water, jogging paths, sorting bins, 3 major theme parks, kindergarten, terrace courtyard water garden and 2 large community pools, a variety of leisure and entertainment facilities, so that every owner can enjoy a colorful holiday life! With Longshou Mountain at its back, Hailuoling in the foreground and Xiao Xihu in the distance, it is a feng shui treasure trove with mountains and lakes.

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Zhongshan Guanglian Group

The office of Zhongshan Guanglian Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. is located in Zhongshan, the hometown of the great man

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