Industry-leading, first-class quality, China's Guang Yun brand

Zhongshan Guanglian Group

Location :Zhongshan, Guangdong

Application products :Sliding doors, sliding windows, casement doors

Case details

The office of Zhongshan Guanglian Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. is located in Zhongshan, the hometown of the great man Sun Yat-sen, Zhongshan City Shaxi Town, Yili Mall, South Longxing Road, Card A08, was registered in Zhongshan City Administration for Industry and Commerce on August 02, 1995, with a registered capital of RMB 30 million. In the 27 years of the company’s development and growth, we have always provided our customers with good products and technical support, sound after-sales service, mainly engaged in real estate business consulting, property agency, industrial investment.


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Zhongshan Guanglian Group

The office of Zhongshan Guanglian Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. is located in Zhongshan, the hometown of the great man

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